What is Southern Nuggets?

My name is Tyson. These days, when I meet new people you might hear me introduce myself as, "Hi! I'm Tyson - like the fighter or the chicken. But I'm more of a chicken." It usually generates a good laugh and an easy way for people to remember who I am.

It is something that I've worked on my entire life, however. I don't know why, but I have always been annoyed when people say, "Tyson? Like Mike Tyson." My irritation only grew when I found out that I was born in 1985, BEFORE Mike Tyson became famous so I wasn't named after him. In addition, my family used to make Tyson Food jokes all the time growing up. I hated it.

One such name, "Tyson Chicken Nuggets" that was coined not only because of my name, but also the fact that I was pretty heavy as a kid. Especially in grades 4-8.

Just as I turned the memory aides into something I actually liked. For the record, I really am a chicken. I hate violence. I thought I'd play upon one of my childhood nick-names.

I just moved from Nevada to the heart of the South - Central Georgia at the start of September. So...there you have it, Southern Nuggets.

Initially, I started this blog to document my journey, my transition to becoming a fish-eating vegetarian. Before you interject, I am familiar with the term pescetarian. And you're right, I should refer to myself as that. However, I feel like that promotes that idea that I'm trying to eat more fish or that I'm somehow anti-meat when in fact, all I'm trying to do is eat more vegetables. I love meat. Which is why this transition should be interesting, if not difficult - to say the least.

Without going into heavy detail, my reasons for wanting to become a "vegetarian" are rooted more in spiritualism than anything else. Cows...yumm. But similar to what Mike from "Finding Nemo" said, "Cows - friends, not food." lol

I like writing. I like to think that I'm pretty good at it. I toyed with the idea of pulling a "Julie and Julia" and grabbing the biggest vegetarian cookbook I could find and going through it. But honestly, as much as I want this to be a place about journey and a resource for (hopefully) good recipes, I didn't want to become known as a vegetarian food master - assuming of course, ANYONE finds time to read this.

Who reads anymore though, really? Double that since this is apart from Facebook....it will never get seen. ha ha

I wanted room to expand - so this is the format. I'd pick a topic. I'm calling them "Explorations" that I would focus on for anywhere between 3-6 months and I'd write about them. I'm also something of a photographer. I actually went to school for it, but come to resent the title because we live in 2017 where EVERYONE is a fucking photographer. The difference between them and me - I have $67K worth of student debt for the same fucking thing they picked up as a hobby. AND....they are making money from it. 

Yeah, I suck as a photographer. Sometimes I get a good image, but I've never made money for doing it. Epic F-A-I-L.

So you might also see photographs also. Considering I'm just using my phone and I just realized last night how crappy the camera is on this new phone...hopefully the images will get better as the blog evolves. No promises though.

But yeah, I'll do my best to write every day, if not days that are relevant. Except for Sundays...I really do try to do absolutely nothing on Sunday because in real life, I'm sort of ADHD (not really, just for comparison) - I'm always up to something. A day off is valued for personal sanity.

Backing up, I mean, I could of made this a kick ass blog about green things and how to eat them. How I started to eat them. Have I mentioned the family business is raising cattle for beef? Irony. lol But I figured at some point you might get tired of reading about my vegetable endeavors. I might get tired of writing about them. But who knows, it might become pretty damn exciting and we'll just keep going with it.

I mean, I do have a friend that started baking shit and blogging about it and well, that was years ago and guess what -she's still doing it and couldn't be happier. She's has become quite successful in it, from what I understand.

Or, at some point I could say, "Fuck this!" And call it quits. 

Regardless, this is where it all starts. I'm a meat-loving guy who was born and raised in Nevada who recently moved to Central Georgia where I have come to love (even more) fried food and the rich goodness of the South and I've decided to go vegetarian. Yep....sums it up rather well.

My name is Tyson and these are my explorations. Join me.

P.S. I'm also searching for a husband, so if there are any goodhearted, wholesome men you might recommend - feel free to play matchmaker. ;-) 


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